Welcome to Barter Advertising Solutions. We provide Advertising Expertise and Advertising Finance Solutions.
18th February 2025

Trade Your Company's Products and Services
to help pay for Major Advertising Campaigns

Get Your Company $25,000 to $2 Million or more in Advertising Now!
We Provide Advertising Expertise and Barter Finance Solutions

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Barter Advertising Solutions is a
progressive advertising agency

We can help businesses of all industries save money on advertising,
open new sales channels, highly leverage resources, increase sales and reduce expenses

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Open New Sales Channels and
Increase Your Sales Through Barter

Our Barter Programs can help you increase sales in your current accounting period -
Exceed quarterly/yearly sales forecasts and lower your net operating costs.

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Solve Excess Inventory Problems
Exchange Your Distressed Inventory for Advertising

Don't liquidate for pennies on the dollar - Receive up to full retail value
for your excess inventories to help fund your advertising campaigns.

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Own a Hotel or Resort? Exchange Your Unsold Rooms
At Full Retail Value for Advertising

Turn a portion of your vacancy factor into revenue generating strategic ad campaigns
and guaranteed bookings.

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Own a Micro-Cap or Small-Cap Public Company?
Exchange Restricted Stock For Advertising

Receive full market value or premium to market for Restricted Stock to
help fund major ad campaigns to fuel growth, brand recognition & investor awareness.

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Exchange Under-Performing or Distressed Real Estate
For Advertising

Receive full market value or premium to market for under-performing
real estate assets.
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Are You Looking to Initiate or Expand distribution
of your product line into mass retail chains

We provide Media Funding Commitments, Financing and Campaign Development
Services and Expertise to help get your products on the shelves of Major Retailers

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Own a Private Company that is fast tracking to an IPO?
Exchange Pre-IPO Restricted Stock for Advertising

Receive full market value or premium to market for Restricted Stock to help fund major ad campaigns.
Increase Brand Recognition and Investor Awareness. Leverage Resources and
Generate New PR Opportunities to fuel growth

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Solve Commercial Real Estate Occupancy Challenges
Exchange Your Vacant Space for Advertising

If you own an Apartment Complex, Retail Shopping Center or Office Building
You can exchange your aging vacancies for advertising to help you get new tenants

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Use Barter To Help Fund a Major Media Campaign

Print, TV, Radio, Out of Home, Internet and More!

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Contact Us Today
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Trade Your Company’s Products and Services to help pay for Major Advertising Campaigns

Get Your Company $25,000 to $2 Million or more in Advertising Now! We Provide Advertising Expertise and Barter Finance Solutions. Our Barter Programs can help you increase sales in your current accounting period as well as exceed quarterly/yearly sales forecasts and lower your net operating costs.

Own a Micro-Cap or Small-Cap Public Company?  Exchange Restricted Stock For Advertising

Receive full market value or premium to market for Restricted Stock to help fund major ad campaigns to fuel growth, brand recognition & investor awareness.
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Solve Excess Inventory Problems – Exchange Your Distressed Inventory for Advertising

Don’t liquidate for pennies on the dollar – Receive up to full retail value for your excess inventories to help fund your advertising campaigns..

Exchange Under-Performing or Distressed Real Estate For Advertising

Receive full market value or premium to market for your under-performing real estate assets.
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Own a Private Company that is fast tracking to an IPO? Exchange Pre-IPO Restricted Stock For Advertising

Receive full market value or premium to market for Restricted Stock to help fund major ad campaigns. Increase Brand Recognition and Investor Awareness. Leverage Resources and Generate New PR Opportunities to fuel growth,

Own a Hotel or Resort? Exchange Your Unsold Rooms At Full Retail Value for Advertising

Turn a portion of your vacancy factor into revenue generating strategic ad campaigns and guaranteed bookings.

Are you looking to Initiate or Expand distribution of your product line into mass retail chains?

We provide Media Funding Commitments, Financing and Campaign Development Services and Expertise to help get your products on the shelves of Major Retailers.

Solve Commercial Real Estate Occupancy Challenges – Exchange Your Vacant Space for Advertising

If you own an Apartment Complex, Retail Shopping Center or Office Building You can exchange your aging vacancies for advertising to help you get new tenants.

Use Barter To Help Fund a Major Media Campaign

Print, TV, Radio, Out of Home, Internet and More!

Barter Advertising Solutions Provides Advertising Expertise And Barter Financing Solutions

Barter Advertising Solutions is a unique advertising agency and multifaceted media and financial services company that provides advertising placement services as well as unique suite of marketing and finance solutions that can help businesses save money on advertising, open new sales channels, leverage resources, increase sales and reduce expenses

BarterAds , we have over 25 years of expertise in the Barter Industry.

Solve Under-Performing or Distressed Real Estate Challenges,Exchange Restricted Public Stock For Media,Turn Empty Room Nights Into Guaranteed Bookings barterads.

TV, Radio, Print, Outdoor, Transit, Internet, Mobile, Social,barter Ads Specialties and more in return for your Company’s Products and Services. We also trade advertising for Real Estate, Assets, Unrestricted and Restricted Public Stock, Equity Options and barterads more.



Here’s what just some of our clients have said


I wanted to take this time to thank you both of you for your excellent service. In 2009 an emerging energy drink company I was representing was trying to launch their product into General Nutrition Centers and other retailers nationwide.Read More.

Tricia Weldon
Product Placement Inc.

Over the past 6 years Great Wolf Lodge has run close to one million dollars in TV advertising supplied by Jay and Rita Greenlees for 100% barter credits.Read More.

Keith Simmonds
General Manager
Great Wolf Lodge

I am writing to recommend the services of Advantis International Inc. and the media trade services of its Barter Advertising Solutions division.Read More.

Chet Billingsley
Chairman & CEO
Mentor Capital Inc.

This memo is to reiterate the important role Jay Greenlees has played within the International Reciprocal Trade Association (IRTA) www.irta.com and its international trading platform, Universal Currency Clearinghouse (UC)Read More.

Ron Whitney
Executive Director
IRTA International Reciprocal Trade Association

We Provide Advertising Expertise And Barter Finance Solutions
